Category: News

  • Apply to our 1st Open Call

    The XR2Industry 1st Open Call for Hardware enablers will select up to 7 Developers of XR components (MidCaps or SMEs) aimed at integrating emerging technologies (such as 5G/6G, IoT, data, artificial intelligence, edge and cloud computing, and microelectronics) to enable possibilities of XR experiences.  “Each selected SME/MID-CAP will receive a maximum of €500.000 (fixed lump sum) during…

  • Our Kick-off meeting

    Exciting News! The XR2 Industry project, aimed at Tailoring eXtended Reality to Industry’s Needs, has been officially launched in Paris. This initiative, part of the Horizon Innovation Actions, is a significant move towards establishing a European platform that prioritizes ethical standards and efficient data management, empowering the European technological ecosystem. With American and Asian companies…